Golgari Agent 5E Background

Hello everyone today we have a most popular and a very nice background in our store and it is one of the beackgrounds from guild masters guide to ravnica and i think it mostly has a ton of interesting flavor in any case you can even argue that it replaces a couple of the PHB backgrounds such as urchin if i was to give in specifically. Enough said, in any case from this blog post we’re going to be taking a look at golgari agent dnd. With that hyped up intro guys, now let’s take a quick look at its description first.


You are one of the candidates of a teeming horde – a tiny part of the sprawling organism. Simply like you are a piece of the swarm, however the swarm is part of the larger ecosystem, an infinity cycle of life, death, rot, and rebirth. You have spent your life in the dark places of the city where the messy parts of existence are on display. However there is a little squeamishness centrally the Golgari, no fear of death or taboo about the dead, just a fierce affirmation of the cycle.

Basically the slums for lack of a better term, maybe even a little bit lower than that. Basically you occupy the bottom rung of society for whatever reason you know who knows you might have just been a guy down on your luck or you might even prefer that environment over the complicated snooty kind of elite realm.

In any case no matter how you get there, you’re kind of that’s your starting out point. Now let’s dive into your extended spell list. In any case you may also like to read this dimir operative 5e.

Golgari Agent Background 5E Spells

Spell LevelSpell
CantripDancing Lights, Spare the Dying
1stEntangle, Ray of Sickness
2ndProtection from Poison, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spider Climb
3rdAnimate Dead, Plant Growth
4thGiant Insect, Grasping Vine
5thCloudkill, Insect Plague

Basically the golgari agent 5e magic is thoroughly accompanied by a sickly green glow and a rotting stench. With that all out of the way let’s move on to its mechanics here. Keep reading our other articles like gruul anarch.

Golgari Agent Background 5E Stats

  • Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies: Poisoner’s Kit
  • Languages: Choose one of Elvish, Giant, or Kraul
  • Equipment: A Golgari insignia, a poisoner’s kit, a pet beetle or spider, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10gp worth of mixed coins.


Undercity Paths:

You are aware of all types of hidden, underground pathways which you could also bypass the crowds, obstacles, and observation like you move via the city. However when you are not in the combat, you and the companions you drive could be travel among any two locations in the city two times as fast as your speed would normally allow. The paths of the undercity are naturally being haunted by dangers that rarely brave the light of the surface world, so your journey isn’t guaranteed to be safe zone.

Wow what an interesting stuff there! Of course it would be the better location for those nature and survival skills to be keep in good use. In any case now let’s get on to its suggested charactertistics here. In any case you can also check out this rakdos dnd 5e.

Suggested Charactertistics

Personality Traits
d8Personality Trait
1Remember, I could kill you in your sleep. Or put centipedes in your bedroll.
2I like to remind people of their inevitable demise.
3Sometimes I give voice to the whispers of the rot, which I hear but no one else does.
4I do my best to discourage anyone from approaching or talking to me.
5I have accepted my death. Hence, I don't fear it.
6Like roots growing through stone, I am relentless and determined in my action.
7I put my knowledge of anatomy to use by narrating the injuries my enemies suffer in grisly detail.
8Like a wild animal, I lash out viciously when I'm provoked - and I'm easily provoked.
1Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)
2Stoicism. All of us are part of the cyclical march of nature, which will continue with or without us. (Neutral)
3Nature. The natural world is more important than the edifices of the city and civilization. (Neutral)
4Interdependence. We are all part of nature's web. (Lawful)
5Ambition. The time of Golgari ascendance is at hand, and I intend to have a prominent place in the new world order. (Evil)
6Live and Let Live. Meddling in the affairs of other guilds is a great way to get squashed like a bug. (Neutral)
1I cherish the finger of a family member who was petrified by a medusa.
2I have an identical twin who is as different from me as any person could be.
3I want to lead one faction of the guild to a new position of dominance.
4I love spending time in the moss-covered building where I took part in my first reclamation mission.
5I found something in the sewer that must never come to light.
6I am forever grateful to the reclaimer who found me floating facedown in the sewer, moments from death.
1Death comes for us all, so you can't expect me to take care of someone who can't fight it off.
2I assume that anyone outside the Golgari looks down on me.
3I feel a need for revenge against those who enjoy the privilege of living above ground.
4I don't bother to couch my opinions in flattering words.
5I can't help but pocket any trinket or coin I come across, no matter how worthless.
6I'm convinced that I'm better and stronger than members of other guilds, isolated as they are from the realities of life and death.


To the extent of that the Golgari Swarm would be act like an organism, and you’re connected for every other member in some of the specified way or another. They’re convinced that some rest of the world is being out to get you, you find it simple to form close bonds with your guild mates, and harder to make meaningful relationships with others.

Roll twice on the Golgari Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Golgari Contacts table.

Golgari Contacts
1One of my parents is an elite assassin, a member of the Ochran.
2I learned combat from a kraul.
3I know a medusa who is stationed in the guildhall.
4I had a torrid romance with a spore druid responsible for a large rot farm.
5There's a troll in a remote area of the undercity who seems to find me interesting - and who knows more than you'd think.
6An elf lich is determined to see me become a lich someday, too.
7A medusa decided it would be more fun to recruit me into the guild than to kill me.
8I know a findbroker who can locate just about anything, for the right price.
Non-Golgari Contacts
1An Azorius arrester I literally pulled out of the gutter will do anything for me.
2Someone joined the Gruul in a battle against the Boros once, and the sergeant of that Boros squad would love to prove that it was me.
3I had a romance with a Dimir agent whom I still feed secrets to.
4Roll an additional Golgari contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.
5I joined the Gruul in a battle against the Boros once, and the chief of that small clan thanks me for turning the tide.
6An Izzet scientist resents that I sold a scrapped invention I found in the sewer.
7My undercity explorations led me into an Orzhov vault, and a spirit thinks I stole something valuable.
8I found a baby beast and sold it to a Rakdos wrangler who remains grateful to me.
9A Selesnya druid and I share an interest in the same garden, and we have enjoyable arguments there.
10I regularly pick up refuse from beneath a Simic laboratory, and sometimes I talk to the researcher who dumps it there.

We hope you’ve interested in this golgari agent dnd guide and if you’d like to share your thoughts, questions, comments and any cool stories regarding of this background then make sure to use the below comment section and i’d love to read them and others would as well. Please do check out these articles too such as simic background 5e | grinner background 5e |

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