Grinner 5E Background

Here we are going to talk about the dnd 5e grinner background. In any case the golden grin began in a far-off land of Tal’Dorei trading secret messages by using via a network of different bards and even the minstrels for undermining an iron-fisted king’s authoritarian rule.  But today, Tal’Dorei is a relatively peaceful republic, and some of the grinners have been grown mush restless because of waiting for the tyranny for rising its ugly head again.

In any case the contingent of such type Grinners are traveled to a Menagerie Coast and even though it set up a specific network of the secret bases in the cities of the Clovis Concord, but from which they’re presently working up their way into a highest echelons of the Dwendalian Empire.

Suppose, you’re the Grinner. Then your goals are for spreading some freedom and inspire hope – or, in time, revolution – in the hearts of the oppressed. Please click on 5e shade to know more about the shade fanatic background.


  • Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Performance
  • Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument, thieves’ tools
  • Languages: None
  • Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a disguise kit, a musical instrument of your choice, a gold-plated ring depicting a smiling face, and a pouch containing 15gp.



All the members of the Golden Grin have almost been learned a handful of folk songs in all of their travels, Of course you can use those songs for sending some of the secret codes and also alert the fellow Grinners to a danger. You can select favorite song or even roll on the Favorite Code-Songs table.

d6Favorite Code-Song
1Zan's Comin' Back. This hopeful Tal'Dorei folk song declares the inevitable return of a just ruler. Use it to seek out potential allies.
2Blow Fire Down the Coast. A rowdy fighting song from the Clovis Concord, this ditty talks of blasting up pirate ships. Use it to encourage battle.
3Hush! Onward Come the Dragons. This Tal'Dorei folk song recounts the terror in the days after the invasion of the red dragon called the Cinder King. Use it to encourage caution in speech and deed.
4Let the Sword Grow Rust. An antiwar anthem from Marquet, this song has uncertain origins. Use it to help quell violent encounters.
5Drink Deep, Li'l Hummingbird. A drinking rondo from the Menagerie Coast, this song tells the tale of a young person who drinks so heavily that they awaken to find they've stowed away on a ship. Use it to encourage alertness in social situations.
6 Dirge for the Emerald Fire. This elven song supposedly has thousands of obscure verses. Use the first two verses to spread news of death or defeat.

Ballad of the Grinning Fool

Like everyone of the grinner, you would know how to find out the hideout. However in any form of city which consists of the 10,000 people or even more on the Menagerie Coast or else in the lands of the Dwendalian Empire, you could also play the “Ballad of the Grinning Fool” in a particular major tavern or inn.

However the member of the Golden Grin shall actually find out you and also provide shelter to you and also any companions you vouch for. Even this shelter might have been discontinued if it becomes too dangerous to hide you, at the DM’s discretion.

However this feature might have been used with the caution, for not all those who know the ballad are your friends. Some are traitors, counterspies, or agents of tyranny.

Suggested Characteristics

Actually in dnd 5e backgrounds the grinners are trained in an art of secrecy and also the innuendo, of course those are skilled at hiding in a plain sight by being the loudest and brightest person in a particular room. Usually their subterfuge and even the combat lend themselves well for an adventuring lifestyle and also travelling with the mercenaries and some treasure hunters creates a convenient excuse to journey through lands bent under tyranny.

Personality Trait

d8Personality Trait
1I love the spotlight. Everyone, look at me!
2Give me a drink and I'm your friend.
3Talk to me about yourself. I'm a hell of a listener.
4I hate to start fights, but I love to finish them.
5I can't sit still.
6I'm always humming an old tune from my past.
7When I don't have a reason to smile, I'm miserable.
8I'm lucky like you wouldn't believe.


1Revolution: Tyrants must fall, no matter the cost. (Chaotic)
2Compassion: The only way to make a better world is to perform small kindnesses. (Good)
3Justice: A nation built upon just foundations will uphold freedom for all. (Law)
4Expression: Music, joy, and laughter are the keys to freedom. (Good)
5Self-Determination: People should be free to do as they please. (Chaotic)
6Vigilance: A free people must be carefully taught, lest they be misled. (Neutral)


1I lost someone important to an agent of the Dwendalian Empire. That regime will fall.
2The first people to be hurt by this war will be the common folk. I need to protect them.
3Music helped me through a dark time in my life. Now, I'll use music to change the world.
4I will be known as the greatest spy who ever lived.
5All life is precious to me. I know I can change the world without taking a humanoid life.
6The elite in their ivory towers don't understand how we suffer. I intend to show them.


1I've never lied once in my life. What? No, I'm not crossing my fingers!
2I do everything big! Subtlety? I don't know the meaning of subtlety! Oh, that's a problem?
3Being a spy in wartime is painful. I've seen so much suffering, I think I'm losing my mind.
4I can't focus on my mission. I just want to carouse and sing and play!
5Yeah, that's my name. Yeah, I'm a Grinner spy. Who cares about staying undercover?
6I can't afford to trust anyone. Not. Anyone.

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