Rakdos Cultist 5E Background

Hello players and dungeon masters alike! Welcome or welcome back to my website and thank you for choosing my blog. Today we’re taking a look at dnd 5e rakdos cultist background. It is one of my favorite backgrounds from the whole list in d&d 5th edition, it has really cool stuff! You can find it from the guild masters guide to ravnica. With that hyped up intro guys let’s check out its description for this here background. You may also interested in other dnd 5e backgrounds.


You’re an entertainer at heart, a performer with a flair for the dramatic and a love of the spotlight. You’ve spent years honing your craft, mastering a demanding set of skills so you can perform them with panache and make them look easy. The wild applause, the screams of the crowds, the mayhem and terror spreading into the streets – this is what you live for.

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You’re also a member of a cult devoted to an ancient demon who delights in violence and chaos. It just so happens that Rakdos loves a good show, and your highest aspiration is to please the Defiler, the Lord of Riots, with your own performance.

Mainly it reminds me is cicero from the skyrim. Now without any further ado let’s take alook at its extended spell list here.

Rakdos Guild Spells

Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature

However for the sake of you, here the spells on the Rakdos Guild Spells table are being added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (Suppose, if you’re a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells were added to all of them.) So check out the table below.

Spell LevelSpell
CantripFire Bolt, Vicious Mockery
1stBurning Hands, Dissonant Whispers, Hellish Rebuke
2ndCrown of Madness, Enthrall, Flaming Sphere
3rdFear, Haste
4thConfusion, Wall of Fire
5thDominate Person

Your magic frequently produces a flashy spectacle, wreathing you or your targets in a mixture of harmless flame and shadowy shapes. When you manipulate an opponent’s mind, a flaming symbol of Rakdos might momentarily appear like a mask over the target’s face. Now let’s move on to its mechanics here.


  • Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Performance
  • Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument
  • Languages: Choose one of either Abyssal or Giant
  • Equipment: A Rakdos insignia, a musical instrument (one of your choice), a costume, a hooded lantern made of wrought iron, a 10-foot length of chain with sharply spiked links, a tinderbox, 10 torchesValue:1cp Weight:1lb (individually), a set of common clothes, a pouch containing 10gp (a mix of Azorius and Boros 1-zino coins), and a bottle of sweet, red juice

Very cool stuff there! Now let’s move on to its feature here.


A Flair for the Dramatic

Here the rakdos cultist 5e performance styles are mostly fuse standard circus-style acrobatics with the fire, wrought-iron spikes and hooks, and monsters. However you can simply roll 1d8 or else select from the options in the Performance Options table to determine your preferred style of performance.

Performance Options

D8Type of Performer
1Spikewheel acrobat
2Lampooning satirist
3Fire juggler
4Marionette puppeteer
5Pain artist
6Noise musician
7Nightmare clown
8Master of ceremonies

Fearsome Reputation

People always remember you and recognize you like the member of the cult of rakdos and even they’re beware of not to draw your anger or ridicule. However you can easily get away with a minor criminal offenses, like refusing to play for food at a restaurant or breaking down a closed door at a local shop, if no legal authorities witness the crime. Most people are too daunted by you to report your wrongdoing to the Azorius.

Now here i would like to point out that is this is almost similar to the pirate background from PHB with just a couple sentenses added in here and there. That means it seems to be like replace the pirate in some sense or another which is depending on how you’re seeing at it. Now let’s move on to its suggested characteristics here.

Suggested Characteristics

Members of demonic cults aren’t usually aware as the kindest or most mentally stable individuals, so you’re likely to have something in your nature that distinguishes you from the law-abiding citizens of Ravnica.

Personality Traits
d8Personality trait
1I revel in mayhem, the more destructive the better.
2When violence breaks out, I lose myself in rage, and it's sometimes hard to stop.
3Everything is funny to me, and the most hilarious and bloodiest things leave me cackling with sadistic glee.
4I derive genuine pleasure from the pain of others.
5I enjoy testing other people's patience.
6I can't stand it when things are predictable, so I like to add a little chaos to every situation.
7I throw my weight around to make sure I get my way.
8I enjoy breaking delicate works of art. And fingers, which are sort of the same.
1Guild. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)
2Hedonism. Death comes for everyone, so take as much pleasure as you can from every moment of life. (Neutral)
3Creativity. I strive to find more ways to express my art through pain - my own as well as others'. (Chaotic)
4Freedom. No one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)
5Equality. I want to see Ravnica remade, with no guilds and no hierarchies. (Chaotic)
6Spectacle. People are inspired by the greatness they see in art. (Any)
1I have belonged to the same performance troupe for years, and these people mean everything to me.
2A blood witch told me I have a special destiny to fulfill, and I'm trying to figure out what it is.
3I'm secretly hoping that I can change the cult from the inside, using my influence to help rein in the wanton violence.
4I own something that Rakdos once touched (it's seared black at the spot), and I cherish it.
5I want to be better at my chosen form of performance than any other member of my troupe.
6I am devoted to Rakdos and live to impress him.
1My family is prominent in another guild. I enjoy my wild life, but I don't want to embarrass them.
2I couldn't hide my emotions and opinions even if I wanted to.
3I throw caution to the wind.
4I resent the rich and powerful.
5When I'm angry, I lash out in violence.
6There's no such thing as too much pleasure.


The rakdos cult dnd is anything but mostly organized. The singulars mosrt of the time move from one performance troupe to another. Almost all members of the cult know former castmates now in various troupes, which allows for the possibility of a widespread network of contacts. Roll twice on the Rakdos Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Rakdos Contacts table.

Rakdos Contacts

1ContactI was part of a two-person act until my former partner moved to a different troupe.
2My sibling and I ran away from home and joined the Cult of Rakdos together. We're very close.
3A childhood friend of mine is an attendant in Rix Maadi, the Rakdos guildhall.
4My parents brought me into the guild and taught me my trade.
5There's a lesser demon in the cult who thinks he owes me a favor, and who am I to argue?
6The master of ceremonies in my troupe is well connected with other troupes.
7I had a romance with a pain artist in another troupe.
8Rakdos himself has witnessed me perform.

Non-Rakdos Contacts

1I know an Azorius elocutor who has a very amusing dark side.
2A Boros captain really wants to "redeem" me.
3I think a member of my troupe is a Dimir agent.
4I once convinced a Golgari medusa to participate in a show. We've been on good terms ever since.
5I came from the Gruul and still have relatives there.
6An lzzet technician provides pyrotechnics for my performances.
7An Orzhov oligarch has taken an interest in my career, like a patron of the arts.
8Roll an additional Rakdos contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.
9A Selesnya healer attends my performances regularly.
10A Simic biomancer provides mutant monsters to add a taste of the bizarre to our shows.

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