Outlander 5e DnD Background


Hello everyone! Today we’re going to provide you the full length article on outlander 5e background. If you’re curiously waiting for this dnd background then you should have to check this article and there after you must be getting some wonderful thoughts regarding of this background.

So without any further ado let’s get started. Here we’re going to explain and provide all about outlander 5e, if you’re looking for it then join with us. Actually, every dnd backgrounds does its own performance according to their features and their capabilities.

As well as the dnd outlander 5e background has its own features and various capabilities and you can know more about one of this 5e backgrounds from the below mentioned topics.


  • You have been grown up in the wilds far from the civilizations and also the comforts of the town and technology.
  • Here you’ve been witnessed the migration of herds which are larger than the forests and survived weather more extremely than the any city-dweller could be comprehend and also enjoyed the solitude of being of the specific thinking creature in any direction for many miles.
  • The wilds which are in your blood, whether you’re the nomad,a recluse, a hunter-gatherer or even the marauder.
  • Even in the places where ever you don’t even know the specific features of the terrain which you know the ways of the wild.

  1. Skill Proficiencies: Survival, Athletics
  2. Tool Proficiencies: One Type Of dnd musical instrument
  3. Language: One Of Your Choices
  4. Equipment: d&d 5e outlander staff, a trophy from an animal you killed, belt pouch containing 10 gp, a hunting trap and a set of traveler’s clothes.
  5. Origin: There’s the best reason why you actually do travel around the outlands. Here the PHB gives us the ten interesting options but you’re always free to select what best fits for your character or roll a d10 on the table below.
  6. Characteristics: Here the PHB provides us with some different types of options for the personality traits, ideals, flaws and also the bonds which we could use to roleplay our character. You can select some of the options presented or else roll on the tables given below.

Outlander Background

But do you know what is an outlander

However, it’s not just a particular drama on starz. Probably these outlanders are in the d&d 5th edition people those who have spent enough time in the wilds for becoming adapted to their life beyond the edges of the civilization.

Of course some of the dnd backgrounds may give us the professions or else very specific heritages, but mainly this background just outlines the general lifestyle which your current character has grown accustomed to.

Suggested Characteristics

Among the civilized folk you have been often considered rude and uncouth and outlander dnd staff have the small respect for the niceties of the city life.

The ties of tribe, family, clan and also the natural world of which they are a part are the much more important bonds to the most of the d&d 5e outlander backgrounds.

Like all other d&d backgrounds 5e most probably gladiator 5e this outlander also has the suggested characteristics like personality traits, ideal, bond and also flaw so let’s check them.

Personality Traits

Mainly the personality traits are the things which make all your character unique. So for an outlander, these are related for being why they ended up in the wilds, or even possibly something they would be gained from living in the wilds for so long.

D8Options For Personality Trait
1I’m driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.
2I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups.
3I once ran twenty-five miles without stopping to warn to my clan of an approaching orc horde. I’d do it again if I had to.
4I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature.
5I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won’t save you from a hungry owlbear.
6I’m always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them.
7I feel far more comfortable around animals than people.
8I was, in fact, raised by wolves.


Noone is the much perfect and of course every character must have the flaw. I even find it hilarious which is the first one just make you an alcoholic as if that’s a flaw specific to the wild outlands. That’s all enough, and explore what possibly harsher side-effects the wilderness might have been had on your personality.

1I am too enamored of ale, wine, and other intoxicants.
2There’s no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.
3I remember every insult I’ve received and nurse a silent resentment toward anyone who’s ever wronged me.
4I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.
5Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.
6Don’t expect me to save those who can’t save themselves. It is nature’s way that the strong thrive and the weak perish.


Here ideals are the principles your character that holds in the utmost importance. However it represents how they would think the world works and also for a character that’s spent so much time in the wild, of course that could be a very interesting thing to explore.

D6Options For Ideal
1Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. (Chaotic)
2Greater Good. It is each person’s responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole tribe. (Good)
3Honor. If I dishonor myself, I dishonor my whole clan. (Lawful)
4Might. The strongest are meant to rule. (Evil)
5Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization. (Neutral)
6Glory. I must earn glory in battle, for myself and my clan. (Any)

However all these are the connections that a character has which ties it to the world around them. Even though for a lot of characters, this is the drive which keeps them going on. So think of this like how you’re taught nouns; So it’s all about people, places, and things.

So, in this case, it’s all about the people, places, and also the things which either drove you from the wilds or even keep you attached to it in some way.


D6Options For Bond
1My family, clan, or tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.
2An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.
3I will bring terrible wrath down on the evildoers who destroyed my homeland.
4I am the last of my tribe, and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend.
5I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it.
6It is my duty to provide children to sustain my tribe.

Feature: Origin

You’ve been to strange places  and also you’ve seen things which any other can not begin to the fathom. Consider some of the distant lands which you’ve visited and also how they have been impacted you.

You can be roll on the below given table for determining your occupation during your time in the wild or you have to choose one which is the best fits for your character.

5Bounty hunter
6Exile or outcast
8Tribal nomad
10Tribal marauder

Feature: Wanderer

For the maps and geography we have an excellent memory. The general layout of terrain, settlements and also all other features which are around you can be available to recall them always.

This outlander background 5e has other feature in addition, you have a capability to find fresh water and food for your own and also up to  five other peoples each of the day and provided that the land offers berries, water, small game and so forth.

D&D 5E Outlander Staff:

  • Outlander staff is an extra item for you.
  • This staff helps you when any of the backgrounds in dnd 5e doesn’t provide a single weapon and also a non weapon staff has use such as arcane focus , you can either use it like a different matter.
  • It actually means, your character has a perfect staff which can happen to be usable as simply as possible as an arcane focus and of course, if your character has gained the ability to cast those types of d&d spells ever.
  • Even though, The 5th edition outlander will provide you a walking stick.
  • It simply happens like any of the good walking sticks are sufficient for the sake of clear spells casters to work their spells with.
  • 5gp is the worth of this d&d outlander staff.

How outlander is different from The Hermit or The Fartraveler?

In any case, the real basis is that these particular characters have been spent their time away from the society, which makes them any small or large different from each other? Al though if you are unable to easily distinguish these three, and then you’re not alone.

But here is one big difference that how they said good bye themselves from the society: Of course as we all known that the hermits can go anywhere, so long as it’s in the solitude, but the far travelers are not necessarily being removed from the society, but simply rather removed from a society we basically deal with in this game only.

But the hermits tend to be pretty introverted and eccentric characters and of course the far travelers just may come chock-full of the idiosyncrasies from the different culture. Probably, the outlander are in fact much more different than the two of these other backgrounds.

However here one of the best and first things is in the players handbook says about the outlanders is they would grew up in the forest. In any case i personally look at it as having an option to go over the metaphorical or literal. In an either way, your time in the wilds have been shaped who you are like a person.

Even though that shall bring us to the separate origins, which is like something that not all backgrounds get to select. I think of origins such as subclasses for the backgrounds. They’re the further level of specification which doesn’t actually have any kind of mechanical impact on it, even though, can give you so much of basis on how to roleplay your character.

You can look at the below given table that the PHB gives you to assist in choosing your origin:

5Exile or outcast
6Bounty hunter
8Tribal nomad
10Tribal marauder

In any case there’s a big range of different characters represented here. Of course you’ve been got into everything from the boba Fett to Tarzan wrapped up in these origins. From here i would like to explain briefly what each of these are in case any of these terms are confusing to anyone.

I know I clearly got tripped up by a few.

Forester: During today the first and foremost thing which shall come to the mind is perhaps a subaru, foresters that are used to be like sheriffs which has been resided in some of the woodlands for being catch the outlaws, poachers, and also other different criminal sorts which would try to hide beyond of the grips of society.

Trapper: Someone who would hunt the creatures and picture the more folk-hero side of the davy Crockett.

Homesteader – These are the peoples those who would either live within a family or even in a small community which is completely self sustained one and also cut-off from any sort of trade-route. Of course likely these peoples left larger societies in the favor of more natural living.

Guide-It’s pretty self explanatory and someone those guides people via the wilderness, Sacagawea is perhaps the most famous guide that I know.

Exile / Outcast – It just what it says….In any case you could always easily be in this category and also another, that depends upon you.

Bounty Hunter- It hunts down the criminals either on behalf of or in a place of a forester. Usually this sort of a bounty hunter has a various set of skills than a city bounty hunter would, but of course fits the similar archetype.

Pilgrim- The travelers in the search of a new home.

Tribal Nomad- Likely in order to have a never lived in the city or a village, the tribal nomads shall move frequently, but typically following their food for the next temporary home. The Goliaths are typically live in a nomadic tribe.

Hunter-gatherer – The hunter-gatherers could be any sort of a person which sustains off a land. Like it opposed to the homesteaders, of course these outlanders likely do not have any sort of an experience with modern societies.

Tribal Marauder – As it opposed to the nomads, marauders travel with an express intention of raiding and also pillaging villages in their own paths. Of course this is the common depiction of your more barbaric orc tribe.

Here your outlander does not have to being limited for any of these smaller archetypes but if you don’t want them to be, of course there’s a lot of potential within each of these which should give you an idea of how to make all your character’s origin unique. Be sure, as long as they’ve spent enough of time in the woods that you’re good, but you must ask yourself some few questions. Such as How did they survive? What was their purpose? Did they come from a city or were they raised in the wilds?

Even technically speaking, this does not have to actually have anything for doing with “the woods.” And of course i just say that because it is the most common place for your outlander in order to have lived. In the reality, anywhere that hasn’t been a city or village is good enough though.

However, the islands, mountain tops, the Underdark, and also anywhere that your character would have to been face the elements and fend for themselves is enough to make them a true Outlander.

How To Play An Outlander

Of course as we all know that the roleplay is the biggest part of the background. To be honest, It’s most os what makes the background crucial & main aspect. There are some other pieces to it also though, however the feature and variety of proficinecies that you pick up from being an outlander can be more helpful.

But the question here is, to whom are they useful for?

The players handbook always lets us know exactly who must be an outlander in the game. In fact, this background is being suggested for the both barbarians and the rangers too. However by considering there are more backgrounds than the classes in the good old players handbook, that’s very impressive though.

Of course the skills are offered that are both part of the choices for all of these classes, and also perfect for a character which would like to explore any sort of the wilderness. Probably the atheltics lets you climb, swim, jump and of course all over the manuver items that you’ll come across with much more ease.

In any case the survival shall get a specific bit of more specific, and even allowing you to track, predictions about weather, and also do any number of things which has someone adapted in order to wild living should be able to do. Then of course there’s that beautiful feature which allows you forage for the food and water. However the smallest things as this help with an immersion so more while making sure that you’re not dying of starvation every time your group heads beyond the city limits.

In most of the cases our character’s do not experince the comfort of a warm hearth. When it comes to the situations which take us outside of that comfort zone, every party shall want an outlander at their side.


Hope you understood our tutorial about dnd 5e outlander from beginning to advanced, if you still have any types of queries whether about this background or about any other official dnd backgrounds you can contact us through the below comment section and we will give you the answer as soon as possible.

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