Iron Route Bandit 5E Background

Overview Of Iron Route Bandit 5e

Basically, this Iron Route Bandit background, once the primary trade route between the phlan and also Zhentil Keep and they used to be a site of extensive banditry until unless the phlan’s recent occupation. So, your time like an erstwhile bandit has been given you so much of experience in the saddle and also the knack for the acquiring and appraising the other people’s mounts, pets and also vehicles among the all other things.

As usually, this specific set of skills have been become much lucrative for you by working for the underground like the horse thief for the local thief for a local guild of thieves and also the other shadowy organizations.

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  • Skills: Animal Handling, Stealth
  • Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, vehicles (land)
  • Equipment: A set of dark common clothes, pack saddle, burglar’s pack and a belt pouch containing 5 gp

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Suggested Characteristics

Personality Traits

D8Options For personality Traits
1If people leave their gear unsecured, they must not want it very much.
2I feel more comfortable sleeping under the open sky.
3I always pre-plan my escape should things go bad; I always like to have an exit strategy.
4I tend to give animal owners breeding and care advice whether or not they want it.
5I lost a pet as a child and sadly reflect on it to this day.
6I always form a powerful, emotional bond with my mount.
7I recoil at the thought of killing someone else's pet or mount.
8I prefer to hang to the back of a scuffle or discussion. Better to have my enemies in front of me.


D6Options For Flaws
1I talk to animals; I believe they understand me, even if they do not.
2I growl at and bite anyone who gets too close to my food while I am eating.
3I strongly dislike enclosed spaces and require intoxication or firm encouragement to enter them.
4I robbed the wrong caravan once. The owner is a powerful merchant who holds a grudge.
5I'm an inveterate gambler.
6I judge people based on how well they stand their ground in a fight. I've got not time for cowards...


D7Options For Ideals
1Loyalty: Never bite the hand that feeds. (Good)
2Unpredictability: Keep your enemy guessing and off-balance like a confused deer. (Chaotic)
3Power: I strive to become leader of the pack at all costs. (Lawful)
4Freedom: I bow to no one I don't respect. (Chaotic)
5Resourcefulness: Our wits are our most valuable resource in troubled times. (Any)
6Unity: Lone wolves fail where the pack succeeds. (Any)


D6Options For Bonds
1I cannot leave a harmed animal behind; I must save it or put it out of its misery.
2I leave behind my own personal calling cards when I do a job.
3I do not trust people who do not have a pet, mount, or furry companion.
4The pelt I wear on my back was from an animal that died saving my life, I will always cherish it.
5If my pet does not like you, I do not like you!
6Once you've ridden with me and fought by my side, I'll be there for you odds be damned.

Feature: Black-Market Breeder

Almost you’ve known how to find the people those who’re always been looking for the stolen animals & vehicles, it could be whether to provide for the animal pit fights or else to supply some desperate rouges the means to get away faster on the mounts while doing an illegal job. Also read retainers 5e.

Actually, this contact not only provides you with an information of what type of animals and also vehicles are in high demand in that specific area, but it also offers to give you the favors and also the information (DM choice) suppose, if you bring those types of animals and also vehicles to them.

Note: This is the variant of the criminal contact feature.

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