Earthspur Miner 5e Background

Overview Of Earthspur Miner 5e

Actually, you’re a down-on to your luck miner from the Earthspur Mountains those who are no stranger to the hardship. Also, you have spent a great deal of time living among the following such as dwarves, goliaths, and denizens of the Underdark which also work mines in the area. At this specific point, you’re just like comfortable underground working as above.

You knew some aspects such as how to read a seam, dicker for the supplies with the deep gnomes, party with dwarves and also find your way back to the surface afterwards. But, Unfortunately, you have not struck it rich…yet. Even though you’ve been to the Mulmaster looking for the work and the tall peaks also the deep mines of the Earthspurs still call to you.

  • Skills: Athletics, Survival
  • Languages: Dwarvish, Undercommon
  • Equipment: A shovel or a miner’s pick, a block and tackle, a 5e climber’s kit, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp

Suggested Characteristics

Personality Traits

D8Options For personality Traits
1Nothing bothers me for long.
2I hate the horrors of the Underdark with a passion. They took my friends and family and almost got me.
3Anything worth doing takes time and patience. I have learned to plan and wait for the things I want and to be patient to achieve my goals.
4I can party with everyone. Whether with dwarves, or goliaths, or deep gnomes, I can find a way to have a good time.
5I'd rather be mining. This is okay; mining is better.
6I think that I will stumble upon great riches if I just keep looking.
7People who don't work with their hands and who live in houses are soft and weak.
8I wish I were more educated. I look up to people who are.


D6Options For Flaws
1I'm uncomfortable spending time under the open sky. I'd rather be indoors or underground.
2I'm not used to being around other people much and sometimes get grouchy about it.
3Good tools are more reliable than people. In a cave in, I would save a sturdy pick before a stranger.
4I jealously guard my secrets, because I think others will take advantage of me if they learn what I know.
5I am obsessed with getting rich. I always have a scheme brewing for making it big.
6I'm afraid of the dark.


D6Options For Ideal
1Generosity: The riches of the earth are to be shared by all. (Good)
2Greed: Gems and precious metals, I want them all for myself. (Evil)
3Mooch: Property, schmoperty. If I need it, I take and use it. If I don't, I leave it for someone else. (Chaotic)
4Boundaries: Everything and everyone has its prescribed place; I respect that and expect others to do the same. (Lawful)
5Let it Be: I don't meddle in the affairs of others if I can avoid it. They're none of my business. (Neutral)
6Materialist: I want riches to improve my life. (Any)


D6Options For Bonds
1The people of the Earthspur mines are my family. I will do anything to protect them.
2A deep gnome saved my life when I was injured and alone. I owe his people a great debt.
3I must behold and preserve the natural beauty of places below the earth.
4Gems hold a special fascination for me, more than gold, land, magic, or power.
5I want to explore new depths and scale new heights.
6Someday I'm going to find the mother lode, then I'll spend the rest of my life in luxury.

Feature: Deep Miner

You’re used to navigating the deep places of the earth. Actually, you never got lost either in the caves or in the mines suppose you have seen an accurate map of them or else have been through them before. Furthermore, you have capability to scrounge fresh water and also the food for yourself and also as many as five other people each and every day suppose if you’re in a mine or else natural caves.

Hey we’ve also mentioned abyssdweller from the dnd knight background and dnd gladiator arena from official backgrounds.

Note: This feature is a variant of the Outlander feature.

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