Adept 5e Background In Dnd

In Homebrew Background 5e we have this adept 5e background, from this blog post we are going to provide you all about this special background 5e.

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Overview Of Adept

You’ve special skills that’s why you have interest to learn something and also different to make you stand out from the specific crowds too. Of course, now you have the following aspects such as…By using the tool skill you’ve learned they may just save your life one day and also you are always ready for such type of situations/moments.

You came to this far just because of your learning, but still you’re seeking more. They’re mentioned below. In any case if you’ve missed to check out our cormanthor 5e just read it once.

What knowledge could draw you from your books to a life of adventure? Is there forbidden lore you seek? Did the promise of ruins and mysteries draw you from the comfort of your office? Did you learn secrets you weren’t welcome to and choose to see the world instead of face the music?

Skill Proficiencies: One skill of your choice

Weapon Proficiencies: One simple weapon of your choice

Tool Proficiencies: One tool kit of your choice

Languages: One standard language of your choice

Equipment: A trinket of your choice from your childhood, a set of common clothes, a book of your old teachings, and a belt pouch containing 10gp

We wanna share folk hero background 5e

Suggested Characteristics

We are giving all the suggested characteristics of adept 5e background, you can check them from below tables. But before the tables we are describing about the characteristics such as personality traits, flaws, ideals, bonds. So lets get started.

These adept have a characteristic that they have an easy way of understanding things that’s why most of the adepts have an habit of trusting deeply.

Although, most of the adepts actually suffers from the unusual flaws and they are simulated by the peculiar drives, by this they become ever more interesting to play and also serves to bring the more than ever before unique experience to the world and set out their destiny.

Personality Traits

D6Options For Personality Traits
1I am always eager to learn new subjects.
2I will always be ready to help my friends.
3My dream is my destiny, and my friends are my path to setting it.
4I only continue to set out my dream to use it for unspeakable uses.
5I find it hard being around others.
6I will never back down from a fight.


D6Options For Flaw
1I will do anything, to reach my goal.
2I can only trust in myself and no one else.
3My skills won't always work.
4I am rather clumsy and foregetful.
5People ask me for help, but I'm not always the best at my certain skill.
6I still wish that my destiny was to be something else.


D6Options For Ideals
1Teacher: I will set out my dream to help the helpless. (Good)
2Persistence: My dream is my life. No one will stop me from achieving victory in it. (Chaotic)
3Knowledge: When I reach my goal, I will teach others what I've learnt. (Lawful)
4Revenge: My dream will be used against those who laughed at me. (Evil)
5Remembrance: Even if I don't reach my goal, I will still use my skills. (Neutral)
6Acceptance: This destiny is for me. I can feel it. (Any)


D6Options For Bond
1My Instructor was my everything.
2Once I complete my goal, I will go home and share it.
3I would die for my destiny.
4My imagination of the future dives me forward.
5I can still hear the voice's of the people who helped me.
6My friends and their help are what keeps me going.

Feature: Prodigy

This background has a feature called prodigy. It has some of the advantages, you can read them now.

Quick to pick up anything you actually do. Also you will get the below mentioned benefits:

  • The cantrips on the wizard spels list were added to each spell list that you have access to.
  • If you have chosen a wizard cantrip whenever you select a cantrip for a specific given class.
  • Basically, the cantrip counts like a spell of the class it was chosen for, by using the appropriate spellcasting modifier
  • Whenever any of your class allows you to earn a new spell of any level, you may have instead learn a cantrip from the list of wizard spell.
  • For each time you’ve gained a level and then you may trade a wizard cantrip which you know for a different wizard cantrip and also in an addition for any other spells exchanging whatever your class allows.


To Take any types of challenges you’re always ready to be ahead. To overcome certain types of obstacles you have gained the proficiencies and also you’re more inclined for buying an equipment you may possibly need rather than what was you actually needed and leaving you always ready to action.

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