Feylost 5E Background

You’re grown up process was done in the Feywild after disappearing from your own home plane as a child. But probably you’re spirited away by a kindly fey those who would thought that you’re destined for many great things. Of course probably you stumbled via a fey crossing by a chance at the time of a twilight stroll in some of the woods. Even though probably you were being kidnapped by an evil fey but escaped from their clutches. Of course whatever the manner of your disappearance, you are gradually fell under a Feywild’s spell and of course it has learned a little about the nature of a mercurial tricksters which dwell there.

Of course whenever you’re finally returned to your specific home plane, and of course you haven’t been come back unchanged. Of course you’re being haunted by by the fact that the Feywild-a mirror world hidden behind of a mere twist of a perception-which is only a hair’s breadth away. Even though, all of your memories of the Feywild grow a fainter with an each of their passing day, mainly here your heart swells with the mixture of fear and joy at the prospect of a day venturing back to the Plane of Faerie-your home away from the home. Would you like to check out guild artisan then why late proceed from here now.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument
  • Languages: One of your choice of Elvish, Gnomish, Goblin, or Sylvan.
  • Equipment: A musical instrument (one of your choice), a set of traveler’s clothes, three trinkets (each determind by rolling on the Feywild Trinkets table), and a pouch containing 8gp


Fey Mark

You were being transformed in a some small way by your stay in a Feywild and gained the fey mark, which is of course determined by the rolling on the Fey Mark table which is given below.

d8fey mark
1Your eyes swirl with iridescent colors.
2You have a sweet scent, like that of nectar or honey
3You have long whiskers like those of a cat.
4Your ears are covered with soft tufts of fur.
5Your skin sparkles in moonlight.
6Flowers either bloom or wilt (your choice) in your presence.
7Your hair is made of vines or brambles and grows back to normal length within 1 hour of being cut
8You have a tail like that of a dog or another animal.

Feywild Visitor

When you’re sound asleep or else in a deep trance at the time of its long rest, here the spirit of the Feywild might have paid you a visit, suppose if the DM shall wishes it. Even though determine the spirit’s form by after rolling on a Feywild Visitor table. Of course here no harm ever comes to you like the result of those type of visits, which could last for some minutes or even the hours, and also you would remember each and every visit whenever you wake up. Here the conversations which occur with the visitor could be contain any amount of things, even from the messages and also the insights to the nonsense and red herrings, at the DM’s discretion, all such type of conversations are always being conducted in the language you could be understand, even if the Feywild visitor can’t speaking that language normally.

1Awakened creature (a Beast or an ordinary plant that has had the Awaken spell cast on it)
4Faerie Dragon

Feywild Connection

Here all of your mannerisms and the knowledge of the fey customs are being recognized by the natives of the Feywild, who could see you like one of their own. Just because of this, even friendly Fey creatures are of course inclined to come to your aid if you are lost or need help in the Feywild.

Suggested Characteristics

All of these tables, while optional, are all well suited to this Feywild-themed adventurers  and also those are ideal for any type of character those who has the Feylost background.

Personality Trait

D8Personality Traits
1I'm haunted by fey laughter that only I can hear, though I know it's just my mind playing tricks on me.
2Like a nomad, I can't settle down in one place for very long.
3Good music makes me weep like a baby.
4Wherever I go, I try to bring a little of the warmth and tranquility of home with me.
5I have never lost my childlike sense of wonder.
6When I have a new idea, I get wildly excited about it until I come up with another, better idea.
7I live by my own set of weird and wonderful rules.
8I can't bring myself to trust most adults.


1Friendship. I never leave a friend behind. (Good)
2Empathy. No creature should be made to suffer. (Good)
3Wanderlust. I prefer to take the less traveled path. (Chaotic)
4Changeability. Change is good, which is why I live by an ever-changing set of rules. (Chaotic)
5Honor. A deal is a deal, and I would never break one. (Lawful)
6Rule of Three. Everything in the multiverse happens in threes. I see the "rule of three" everywhere. (Lawful)
7Obsession. I won't let go of a grudge. (Evil)
8Greed. I will do whatever it takes to get what I want, regardless of the harm it might cause. (Evil)


1I would never break my word.
2I find magic in all its forms to be compelling. The more magical a place, the more I am drawn to it.
3I do what I can to protect the natural world.
4A trusted friend is the most important thing in the multiverse to me.
5I can't bring myself to harm a Fey creature, either because I consider myself one or because I fear the repercussions
6The Witchlight Carnival feels like home to me.
7I'm drawn to the Feywild and long to return there, if only for a short while.
8I feel indebted to Mister Witch and Mister Light for giving me a home and a purpose.


1I easily lose track of time. My poor sense of time means I'm always late.
2I think the whole multiverse is out to get me.
3I'm always operating under a tight timeline, and I'm obsessed with keeping everything on schedule.
4I'm a kleptomaniac who covets shiny, sparkling treasure.
5I'm forgetful. Sometimes I can't remember even the simplest things.
6I never give away anything for free and always expect something in return.
7I have many vices and tend to indulge them.
8I'm always changing my mind-well, almost always.

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