Faction Agent 5e Background

From this tutorial we want to give you the full access to know about the faction agent 5e from the beginning to advanced, so you no need to go any where to search about any information about this d&d 5e background, cause we gathered all the information collected its original source Sword Coast Adventure’s Guide, so once read this article and you will know all the features and also the different types of suggested characteristics. So let us start the tutorial then. Do you want to see some more backgrounds from our website then this is the source page.

Overview For The Faction Agent 5E

In the North and across the face of Faerun many organizations active but they aren’t bound by strictures of geography, to these factions their members operate anywhere the organization deems necessary and these factions pursue their agendas without regarding for the political boundaries. The cache-holders (people who guard caches of wealth or magic for use by the faction’s operatives), smugglers, message drop minders, rumormongers, haven keepers, sell swords and listeners, to name a few are employed by these groups.

At the core of every faction are those who serve as its hands, head, and heart and also who don’t fulfill a small function for that organization. In Faerun like a prelude to the adventuring career (and in preparation for it) of your’s, there you served as an agent for the particular faction. Depending on the faction and its goals, as well as how those goals mesh with your own there you might have operated secretly or openly. When your faction has become an adventurer doesn’t necessarily needs you to relinquish membership in your faction (though you can choose to do so) and also it might increase your status in the faction.

Skill Proficiencies: Wisdom, or Charisma skill of your choice,Insight and one Intelligence, as appropriate to your faction

Equipment: a pouch containing 15 gp, a copy of a seminal faction text (or a code-book for a covert faction), a set of common clothes and Badge or emblem of your faction.

Languages: Two Of Your Choice (Anyx2)

Suggested Characteristics

Basically, we need to use the “Acolyte 5e background tables” in the PHB (Players Hand Book) like the basis for your traits and motivations and also for modifying the entries whenever appropriate to suite for your identity as a faction agent. (For example, consider the words such as “Faith” and “Faction” to be interchangeable.)

Your personal bond might be interacted or fully associated with the any other members of your faction, or a location or an object which is important your factions 5e. Here the idea for what you strive is probably in keeping with the tenets and also principles of your faction, but at the same time it might be more personal in nature.

Personality Traits

D8Options For Personality Trait
1I idolize a particular hero from my faction, and constantly refer to that person’s deeds and example.
2I can find common ground between the fiercest enemies; I empathize with them to work towards peace.
3I believe if everyone shared the beliefs of my faction the world would be a better place.
4Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
5I quote (or misquote) faction beliefs in almost every situation.
6I am tolerant (or intolerant) of other factions and respect (or condemn) the ideals of other organizations.
7I’ve been on missions alongside faction leaders. Being in the company of Initiates is exhausting.
8I’ve spent so long at headquarters that I have little practical experience dealing with people who lack faction training.


D6Options For Flaws
1I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.
2I put too much trust in those who wield power within my factions rank, especially the Leaders.
3My conviction sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that support and praise my faction.
4I am inflexible in my thinking.
5I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of them.
6Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.


D6Options For Ideals
1Tradition. The principles of my faction must be preserved and upheld. (Lawful)
2Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)
3Change. We must help bring about the changes our faction is striving towards so that we can change the world. (Chaotic)
4Power. I strive to one day rise to the top of my faction’s rank. (Lawful)
5Faith. I trust that my faction will aid me in times of need. If I work hard, things will go well. (Lawful)
6Aspiration. I seek to prove myself a capable member of my faction by mirroring my actions to faction ideals. (Any)


D6Options For Bond
1I would die to recover influential relics that would aid my faction towards our goals.
2I will someday get revenge on the corrupt faction Mentor who branded me a traitor.
3I owe my life to a faction Stalwart who took me in when my parents died.
4Everything I do is for the common people.
5I will do anything to protect the faction I represent.
6I seek to clear the name of an undercover agent who has been wrongfully declared a turncoat.

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D&D 5E Factions Of The Sword Coast

In the North and along the sword coast aren’t have the large and centralized governments and they are directly responsible for the proliferation of secret societies and conspiracies in all of those lands. For one of the main factions of the north and sword coast your background being as an agent, then here are the some possibilities, have a look at them. We suggest you to check out the cloistered scholar.

The Harpers:

It was founded more than a millennium ago and it has been disbanded and also recognized many times, behind-the-scenes agency these harpers remain the powerful, which will act to the wart evil and and also promote fairness through the knowledge rather than the brute force. In any investigation and also enabling them to be adept at snooping and spying these harper agents are often proficient. From the sympathetic bards and innkeepers, other harpers, rangers, and also the clergy of gods which are aligned with the harpers ideals.

The Order Of The Gauntlet:

This is one of the newest power groups in the Faerun, The Order of the Gauntlet has an agenda has an agenda which is similar to that of the harpers. It has the methods which are vastly different, however:bearers of the gauntlet never hide in the shadows which are holy warriors on a righteous quest to promote justice and to crush the evil. Actually, the clergy of the order’s are the patron gods, these order agents tend to be proficient in the religion and to the order’s ideals they frequently seek aid from the law enforcement with very friendly.

The Emerald Enclave:

By maintaining the balance in the natural or realistic order and also combating the forces that balance and that threatens is the twofold goal of the Emerald Enclave. The masters of servival and also living off the land are actually those who serve the faction. These are frequently proficient in nature and they can seek assistance from the woodsmen, druid circles, rangers, hunters, barbarian tribes and also priests who revere all the nature gods (The gods who are related to the nature) like Dionysus, god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, and festivity and also earth.

The Lords’ Alliance:

For the cities and other governments which are constitute the alliance  the agents of the lord alliances are the representatives on one level. Who works on the behalf of the organizations, wider agenda there the alliance has its personnel cadre of individuals, But as a faction with concerns and with interests which transcend the local politics and also the geography. In the history, the alliance should be rely on the aid of the government which are part of the alliance and also the other leaders and even the groups  who uphold the alliance’s ideals in these sections  the alliance agents are required to be knowledgeable.

The Zhentarim:

In the world the Zhentarim have become more visible at large in most of the recent years like how the group works to improve its reputation almost among the common peoples. From the many walks of life the faction associate and draws the employees and also setting them to the tasks of that serve the goals of the different types of black networks but it doesn’t mean that they are necessarily criminal in nature actually they are not criminal in nature. The agents of the black network are frequently proficient deception and also they frequently work in secret. They seek most of the aid from the merchants, mercenaries, the wizards and also they priesthoods allied with the Zhentarim.

Additional Factions (Non-SCAG)

In the Sword Coast Adventures Guide these d&d factions are not outlined, but they share a presence in the history of Faerun, to make sure whether they fit within your campaign settings or not, you need to check with your Dungeon Master (DM) before using this d&d faction agent.

Bregan D’aerthe:

The clandestine organization it is known as Bregan D’aerthe, it is one of the most infamous names to esacpe the Underdark and it is almost especially made up of male-Drow agents. Its agenda keep changing with its whim, it is led by the flamboyant and enigmatic figure which is known as Jarlaxle. This additional faction means Bregan D’aerthe has active cells up and down the sword coast and the greatest presence of Bregan D’aerthe on the surface is felt in Luskan which located in the city of sails. In the underdark this additional factions headquarters has been and is in metropolis of Menzoberranzan.

The Gray Hands:

By the City Guard and City Watch the Waterdeep is ably defended and also some threats will require some more extreme solutions. Who do answer directly to the lords of waterdeep, for them the this Gray Hands are an elite force of the high-powered adventurers. The members of this group capable of confronting the greatest powerful foes even though their numbers are small. In this the lords of waterdeep are loath to call on the gray hands unless until no other options do present it self. For the fallout from the conflicts which are involving in this group are inevitably inflict a great deal of collateral damage on the City of Splendors.

Feature: Safe Haven

As the 5e faction agent, on any of your adventures you can get the assistance from the secret network of supporters and operatives. Here you know the set of secret signs and also the passwords which you can use to identify like those operatives, who can make sure to provide you with the access to the hidden safe house, free room and board, or the best assistance in finding  the information. For you these d&d 5e faction agents either never risk their lives or risk revealing their true identities. It has been endured for the longest period mostly centuries and it will remain one of the only dnd faction agents which maintains full scale operations on the both surfaces and in the underdark too, Despite its loose set of ideals also.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q: What is a faction agent?

Mostly these faction agents are persue their agendas without regard for the political boundaries and also their members will operate anywhere the organization deems necessary. At the core of the every faction those who are not merely fulfill the small function for that specific organization, but those whoever does serve as its hands, head and also the heart.


The above mentioned faction agent background 5e has the various features and various suggested characteristics. We explained all 5e faction benefits and you can read them from the above aspects individually such as 5e factions and also the additional 5e factions and so much of information this article has. This article helps like a faction guide 5e, so use this one and get this 5th edition backgrounds features.

Still you want to ask any queries about the 5e backgrounds and any other 5e skills like disguise kit you can ask us and we will give the answer through the comment section and for more updates just keep visiting our blogs frequently.

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