Charlatan DnD 5e Background 2024

Let’s discuss about the charlatan background 5e, so being a charlatan in d&d 5th edition you’re the con artist and you’re master at deception. Those skills could be so much helpful in group if you’re scheming in any kind of campaign. So mechanically you do get the different proficiencies like deception and sleight of hand skills. However here as a charlatan you have the silver tongue, so that tongue would allow you to lie with ease and charm in order to get you out of sticky situations and of course you’ve sticky fingers so your fingers will allow you do sleight of hand tricks and pick some pockets.

You also do have some proficiency in the disguise kit and the forgery kit which would gives you access to forge documents or even to make any items for a diguise which you might need to have. This actually works very well with a feature you get known as false identity with which you could comfortably pose as anyone else for infiltrate enemy ranks or dodge the authorities. In any case you may also interested in entertainer background 5e.

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With this fabulous background you’ll also get a favorite CON which provides you role play opportunities and even a good flavor to your background. Of course you have the favorite schemes table you can select from or else you can simply make up your own whether you’d like to play a charismatic role or a cunning board and if you would like to survive a life of deceit and the intrigue the charlatan background is great for you.

Overview Of Charlatan 5e

Charlatan 5e: Always, you had a way with the people. You always do know what makes them tick even you can tease out their beautiful hearts or even they might be violent too and those hearts desires after a few minutes of conversation, and also a few leading queries too, so you can read those questions like they were children’s books. It is an useful talent and also one that you are perfectly willing to use which is helpful for your advantage.

You all know about people, what they want and also you do deliver or rather you do promise to deliver. Here common sense should be steer people away from things which are sound much more good to be true, but here the common sense seems to be in a short supply whenever you’re around.

The bottle of a pink colored liquid can easily cure which is unseemly rash, this ointment-it is nothing more than the bit of fat with a sprinkle of silver dust can able to restore youth and also vigor and even there is a bridge in the city which is just happened to be for the sale. Actually, these marvels sound implausible but you can make them to be sounding like the real deal. In any case you can also read this faceless background 5e.

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dnd backgrounds

  • Skill Proficiencies : Deception, Sleight of Hand
  • Tool Proficiencies : Disguise kit, forgery kit
  • Languages : None
  • Equipment : A set of fine clothes, a disguise kit, tools of the con of your choice (ten stoppered bottles filled with colored liquid, a set of weighted dice, a deck of marked cards, or a signet ring of an imaginary duke), and also a belt pouch which is containing 15 gp. Check out on amazon.

Suggested Characteristics

Basically, these charlatans are colorful characters who can conceal their true selves behind the masks they can able to construct. Also, they have a capacity to reflect what ever peoples want to see, whatever they want to believe and also how they can see the world.

But their true selves are sometimes plagued by an uneasy conscience, an old enemy, or deep-seated trust issues. Also read this spy background 5e.

Personality Traits

D8Options For Personality Traits
1I fall in and out of love easily, and am always pursuing someone.
2I have a joke for every occasion, especially occasions where humor is inappropriate.
3Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want.
4I'm a born gambler who can't resist taking a risk for a potential payoff.
5I lie about almost everything, even when there's no good reason to.
6Sarcasm and insults are my weapons of choice.
7I keep multiple holy symbols on me and invoke whatever deity might come in useful at any given moment.
8I pocket anything I see that might have some value.


d6Options For Flaws
1I can't resist a pretty face.
2I'm always in debt. I spend my ill-gotten gains on decadent luxuries faster than I bring them in.
3I'm convinced that no one could ever fool me the way I fool others.
4I'm too greedy for my own good. I can't resist taking a risk if there's money involved.
5I can't resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.
6I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough.


d6Options For Ideal
1Independence. I am a free spirit – no one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)
2Fairness. I never target people who can't afford to lose a few coins. (Lawful)
3Charity. I distribute the money I acquire to the people who really need it. (Good)
4Creativity. I never run the same con twice. (Chaotic)
5Friendship. Material goods come and go. Bonds of friendship last forever. (Good)
6Aspiration. I'm determined to make something of myself. (Any)


1I fleeced the wrong person and must work to ensure that this individual never crosses paths with me or those I care about.
2I owe everything to my mentor – a horrible person who's probably rotting in jail somewhere.
3Somewhere out there, I have a child who doesn't know me. I'm making the world better for him or her.
4I come from a noble family, and one day I'll reclaim my lands and title from those who stole them from me.
5A powerful person killed someone I love. Some day soon, I'll have my revenge.
6I swindled and ruined a person who didn't deserve it. I seek to atone for my misdeeds but might never be able to forgive myself.

Feature: Favorite Schemes

Each and every d&d charlatan background 5e has an angle which they can use in the preference to the other schemes. You can chose your favorite scam or you can roll on the table which is mentioned below. Make sure to read this criminal background 5e.

1I cheat at games of chance.
2I shave coins or forge documents.
3I insinuate myself into people's lives to prey on their weakness and secure their fortunes.
4I put on new identities like clothes.
5I run sleight-of-hand cons on street corners.
6I convince people that worthless junk is worth their hard-earned money.

Feature: False Identity

dnd 5e charlatan false identity ideas: You have been created the second identity which does include documentation, established acquaintance and also disguises which is allow you to assume that persona. Moreover, you can forge documents additionally, including the official papers and also personal letters, as long as you have seen an instance of the kind of document or the handwriting which is you are trying to copy.

What is The Best Class For The Charlatan Background?

In any case you can use this charlatan background in the combination with any type of class in the players handbook, and also with a little bit of creativity, Of course you can simply be coming up with a scam for your character which is much more interesting part in this scenario and also it is fun and unique than a limited generic choices which are being offered. From the below lines there is a list of examples for the unique scam tailored for being each of the base classes now available too the starting equipment that may represent the tools needed to perform it. You can check out the best class for this background now.


As per the charlatan 5e you can make a tiny clockwork toys of any animals in order to sell to the parents along with the children that are made to be work like for a few hours. When the toys are returned you should fix them, for a specific price of course.

Equipment: Here you can get the equipment like a small bag of faulty gears and springs


Here you do make challenges others to feats of strength which use the items or the weapons which are rigged in your benefit.

Equipment: As per this barbarian class you will get the equipment like one weapon or item that is weighted to be exceptionally heavy or exceptionally light.


Now you can see charlatan bard backstory from here. You do entertain the crowds everywhere like you go with the tales of your passionate yet tragic love affair with a knight or queen that was betrothed to any other and also your woes which followed after the affair came to an end. So can a bard be a charlatan? So we say yes of course why not!

Equipment: Here you can take the equipment such as a token of a nobles love that corroborates your tale, one you did not earn but forged or found.


So you can grown up that you used to prey on people’s pity in order to get whatever you needed from them,  Also now you do prey on their piety by using your skills in order to guilt others into giving you whatever you need from them.

Equipment: Here is the equipment list for the cleric class for the charlatan background such as a tarnished holy symbol you found when you fell upon troubled times.


You do sold out the birds for the sake of nodles in the faulty cages which the birds were being trained in order to open so they could fly back to you, at which point you moved on to the next town.

Equipment: Here are the equipment list that you get from this class for this background are one small bird, or one small group of birds, and one rigged birdcage.


You really do convince the others that you would come from a long line of an infamous warriors with the highest honors in a prestigious world of knights.

Equipment: So these are the best equipments that you will be given such as a writ of pedigree from a king, queen, or another lord, a fake one that is.


As per your martial prowess being allowed you to perform the impressive, flashy street performances like you’ve weaved via different crowds of people stealing their gold coins and other valuable items and making off with them before they could realize what happened.

Equipment: The equipments you get from this class for your charlatan background is A billowy set of monks’ robes lined with numerous hidden pockets.


You do sold out in sparkling tinctures as bottles of holy water, antitoxin, or a whimsical cure-all, though they really had no special properties at all.

Equipment: The equipment list you get from this class stats is A set of five vials filled with water and mixed with powdered crystal.


You have been convinced the nobles and many other hunters which you knew how to find out a rare and also the dangerous prey and which you needed your tracking fee upfront only for skipping out on the hunt.

Equipment: Here is the equipment list you will get from this class is an animal trophy made to look like a trophy from a larger, deadlier beast.


In this class you got the people in order to be participate in a specific game where they could eventually throw different balls at a stack of rigged cans which seemed to be impossible to topple unless hit in a specific place.

Equipment: A set of weighted trick cans and three wooden balls you will get from this class for your background as the equipment.


Here you’ve used a series of carved stones for the orchestrate games of chance with some combined with cantrips and even low level spells that have been seemed to always go in your favor.

Equipment: Here is the different equipments list you can catch from this class for your background are Set of three flat palm-sized stones engraved with symbols of your choosing on one side.


You do sold out the fortune telling services at the time of which you’re used to be grim talismans to act as though an otherworldly force was speaking through.

Equipment: The equipment you can catch with this class to your background is Painted or decorated animal skull.


Skills in forgery and arcane study could be made you easy money selling false spell scrolls to unknowing nobles or the adventurers.

Equipment: Here you can find out the Three jars of colored ink, ten sheets of parchment, and a quill as an equipment.

Don’t Miss To Shop At Amazon

The most useful resources for charlatan background are available at amazon now. So don’t miss this opportunity to grab them.

ProductPriceKey Features
Dungeons & Dragons 5e Player's HandbookCheck on AmazonDetailed rules for character creation, including backgrounds, and advice on role-playing, skills, and combat.
D&D: Xanathar's Guide to EverythingCheck on AmazonSubclasses, expanded character options, and additional tools to enhance deception, trickery, and social interaction.
D&D: Tasha's Cauldron of EverythingCheck on AmazonIt includes new ways to create deceptive and tricky characters, perfect for players aiming to master social manipulation.
Dice SetsCheck on AmazonUnique designs or colors that match the character's personality or background theme.
Condition Rings / TokensCheck on AmazonTokens that represent in-game conditions or effects that tie into a character’s manipulative abilities.
Custom D&D MiniaturesCheck on AmazonCustomizable or pre-painted miniatures with a trickster or rogue theme.
The Essentials KitCheck on AmazonQuick-start guide, a streamlined rulebook, and an adventure designed to teach the basics of the game.
D&D Character JournalsCheck on AmazonPages to track personal backstory, traits, flaws, and goals, which would be especially useful for players with a complex Charlatan character.
Adventure ModulesCheck on AmazonPre-made stories involving heists, deception, or manipulation that Charlatan characters would love.
Cards for InspirationCheck on AmazonCards with inspiration ideas, character traits, and plot hooks to deepen role-playing.
D&D Customizable Play Mats or Battle MapsCheck on AmazonCustomizable mats or pre-made maps that fit common themes in deception-filled adventures.
Collectible Card GameCheck on AmazonCards featuring deception, trickery, and manipulation.
Dice Rolling Trays & BagsCheck on AmazonBeautifully designed dice trays that can reflect the character’s aesthetic or personality.
D&D-themed Apparel (Hats, T-shirts, Hoodies with Charlatan or Trickster Motifs)Check on AmazonD&D-themed clothing with clever sayings or iconography related to tricks, lies, or cunning.
Books on Role-Playing or Character Creation (for deeper immersion)Check on AmazonGuides for building compelling and multi-dimensional characters with a focus on role-playing and narrative depth.


That being said guys! With all of these unlimited features we can consider that this is one of the good backgrounds in dnd 5th edition! If you have any other queries, ideas or any build ideas like dnd charlatan backstory ideas then make sure to leave them in the below comment section and we will be happy to reply to those comments.

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