Caravan Specialist DnD 5e Background

Overview For The Caravan Specialist

You had a life like you’re used live a life on the roads. Actually, you have pride yourself by having traveled each and every major trade way in the moonsea region, also includes the best backroads and also the shortcuts. Whenever you’re traveling these roads, you have the knowledge on where the best inns, campsites, and water sources are located at, also potential locations of danger like the ambush.

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Basically, having worked the roads almost as long as you have them and you have made more acquaintances also find it easy to pick up the information and also the rumors floating from town to town. Actually, you’re skilled with the beasts of the burden, handling and also repairing wagons of all kinds.

  • Skills: Animal Handling, Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land)
  • Languages: One of your choice
  • Equipment: A whip, a two-person tent, a regional map, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp

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Feature: Wagonmaster

Actually, you were used to being in the charge of the operation and also your reputation for the sake of reliability has you on a short list whenever the job is critical. All your experience has been taught you for rely on your gut. But the others will recognize it and look up to you for the direction whenever the situation will get serious. Do you want to check out the secret identity 5e background too.

Of course you have a capability for identifying the most defensible locations because of the camping. But if you are one of the parts of the caravan outfit then you’re able to attract two of the additional workers those are loyal to you based on your reputation. Here you have an excellent memory for the maps and also for the geography and always capable to determine your cardinal directions whenever you’re traveling.

Note: Actually this feature is the variant of the outlander feature visit feature now.

Suggested Characteristics

Personality Traits

D8Options For Personality traits
1Any group is only as strong as its weakest link. Everyone has to pull their own weight.
2There's always someone out there trying to take what I've got. Always be vigilant.
3Anything can be learned if you have the right teacher. Most folks just need a chance.
4Early to bed and early to rise; this much at least is under my control.
5You can listen to me or don't and wish you had. Everyone ends up on one side of that fence.
6Eventually my hard work will be rewarded. Maybe that time has finally come.
7A strong ox or horse is more reliable than most people I've met.
8I never had time for books, but wish I had. I admire folks who have taken the time to learn.


D6Options For Flaw
1I have trouble trusting people I've just met.
2I enjoy the open road. Underground and tight spaces make me very nervous.
3I expect others to heed my orders and have little respect or sympathy if they don't.
4I am very prideful and have trouble admitting when I'm wrong.
5Once I decide on a course of action, I do not waiver.
6I like to explore, and my curiosity will sometimes get me into trouble.


D6Options For Ideal
1Service: Using my talents to help others is the best way of helping myself. (Good)
2Selfish: What people don't know WILL hurt them, but why is that my problem? (Evil)
3Wanderer: I go where the road takes me. Sometimes, that's a good thing... (Chaotic)
4Fittest: On the open road, the law of nature wins. Victims are the unprepared. (Lawful)
5Focused: I simply have a job to do, and I'm going to do it. (Neutral)
6Motivated: There's a reason I'm good at what I do, I pay attention to the details. (Any)


D6Options For Bond
1My brother has a farm in Elmwood and I've helped him and his neighbors move their goods to Mulmaster and other surrounding towns. Those are good people.
2A caravan I lead was attacked by bandits and many innocents died. I swear that I will avenge them by killing any bandits I encounter.
3The Soldiery are mostly good guys who understand the importance of protecting the roads. The City Watch is who you have to look out for. If they are inspecting your goods, get ready to pay a fine.
4The new commander of Southroad Tower, Capt. Holke, understands the importance of safe roads. He's hired me for several jobs and I'm grateful.
5There's always a road I haven't traveled before. I'm always looking for new places to explore.
6Wealth and power mean little without the freedom to go where and when you want.

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